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Supported Living Property done right
making a difference to all involved
Supported Living Property Network
Property and Demand Portal
Members of the Network are able to access our special portals designed to make its easy to find property you need or get your property leased by a provider.
Already a member? Log in here
This new service is currently in trial phase with our members. You are welcome to join The Network and be part of this trial. We are still developing it with our members input, to make sure it meets everyone's needs. Please be aware it is work in progress and not yet a finished product!
For property investors
Do you want to see where providers are looking for property?
Do you want to buy property for providers to lease?
Then our demand portal is for you!
Our provider members are looking for property to lease all over the country, in our special demand portal they list where they need property for you to be able to see.
As a member you pay no additional introductory fees
How the demand portal works
1) Search demand portal for the properties our providers need
3) You get sent an email directly introducing you to the provider
2) Click on a demand you are able to meet
4) You get to build your own relationship with no additional fees
Join today to search the portal
to see what property our members have available for you to lease.
As a member you can also list your property demand.
We bring people together to create high quality sustainable homes for those with support needs
For Providers
Are you looking for property to lease?
Then our property portal is for you!
Our property members list property they have available for you to lease, unlike most property portals our members are actively looking to lease properties to providers and want to work with you.
How the property portal works
1) Search portal for available property
3) You get sent an email introduction to the property owner
2) Click on property that meets your requirements
4) You can then build your own relationship with no additional fees
Join today to search the portal
to see what property our members have available for you to lease.
As a member you can also list your property demand.
Can I leave at any time? Am I tied in?You are not tied in, you can leave at anytime. If you do leave, you are unable to rejoin the Network for 9 months after leaving and you will then pay the current membership price to rejoin. We do this as we know the community works best when people hang around and do not come and go. If you wish to cancel your membership you can manage this in your membership area, if you need any help please email us at
If I leave, can I rejoin the network later?Yes, you can but you will be unable to rejoin for 9 months. We want to build a community of people who are committed to building long term relationships, learning and supporting each other, as well as creating more supported living homes.
What are the training courses?There are two Working Together in Supported Living courses, these are introductory courses to help you understand supported living property. One is for property investors and one is for providers. They are each about an hour long. Network members have access to both courses.
Can I join the Facebook group as my business page?Yes, you can join the Facebook group using your personal profile or as a business page
Can several members of my organisation join?Yes, we offer reduced membership rates for people from the same organisation joining. This gives each member access to the Facebook community, they can attend each event and have they own log in details to the membership area. Please follow the link to join and you have the option to buy additional memberships. If you need any help please do email us
Can parents/carers/people with lived experience join?This group has not been set up to offer you support, there are better communities built specifically to help you. We really value your experience and do invite people with lived experience to input in some events. If you would like to be part of this please email and we will be in touch with you at an appropriate time.
Are there rules I need to adhere to?There are rules of behaviour to abide by to ensure all members are protected, those breaching the rules will be asked to leave. Please note membership rules state you are not allowed to charge other members any sourcing/introductory fees. Also you are not allowed to share property details or property needed details with non members. If other people need property or want to lease property please invite them to join. You can read the full terms and conditions here.
Do you have providers/property investors in my area?We do have lots of property members and lots of supported living provider members but there is no guarantee we will have a provider/property member in your area. It is for this reason that the membership price is low and there is no tie in. If it doesn’t work for you then you are free to leave at any time. Remember there are many other benefits to joining and we have members who join for the training, support and community alone.
I’m worried I can’t make the live trainingNo problem, we record each training event and upload it to your membership area so you can catch up at a time that works for you. This means there is a library of past recordings, covering a wide range of subjects for you to watch when you join.
I have another questionIf you have another question please email us at and we will get back to you